NOTE: This page is not current and will be updated soon.

Christine Valters Paintner, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B., Founder and Director
John H. Armstrong, D.Min., President
Dr. Michael O’Sullivan, S.J., Director of Postgraduate Spirituality Programmes
Tara Owens, M.T.S., Founder, President, and Spiritual Director
James Bryan Smith, D.Min., Executive Director
Paul Kiler, Spiritual Director, Artist, Speaker and Leader of Visio Divina meditation techniques
Larry Warner, M.A.T., Founder and Executive Director
Catherine McMulkin, Executive Director
Rhesa Higgins, Founding Director
James Finley, Ph.D., Founder, Retreat Leader, and Spiritual Director
David G. Benner, Ph.D., Transformational Architect and Coach / Cartographer of Spirit and Soul
Lyle SmithGraybeal, M.S., President, Board of Directors
Carol Swanson, M.A., and Missy Stewart, Co-Leaders and Facilitators
Michelle McCaffrey, M.A., Founder and Retreat Leader
Cynthia Concepcion-Baga, Founding Partner and Executive Director
C. Karen Covey Moore, D.Min., Chairperson, Board of Directors
Jamie Overholser, M.A., Director
JR Woodward, M.A., National Director of V3, Co-Founder of Missio Alliance
Alex Tang, M.D., Ph.D., Founder and Director
Deb Turnow, M.A., Founder and Executive Director
Paul Jensen, Ph.D. – Founder
Troy Walling – Executive Director
Kay Lindahl, CLP – Founder
Rev. Dr. Brenda Buckwell, Obl. O.S.B. – Executive Director
Mary Kay Glazer, M.A., Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, and Writer
Pegge Erkeneff, Founder
Bernadette Flanagan, Ph.D., Convenor
Wil Hernandez, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B., Founder and Manager
Lowry and Jeanne Chua, Co-Founders
Rama Ziegenhals, Founder and Director
Stephen Smith, M.Div., Co-Founder with Gwen Harding Smith, President and Spiritual Director
Giff Reed, M.A., Jordan Warner, M.A., Lucas Allen, Co-Pastors
Prudence Dancy, Founder and Director
Kim Isaak, Executive Director
Craig Babb, Ed.D., Director
Joe Colletti, Ph.D., and Sofia Herrera, Ph.D., Co-Executive Directors
Russell Courtney, M.A., Executive Director and Co-Founder with Dan Maclellan
Michael Bischof, D.Min., Founder and President
Bill Gaultiere, Ph.D., and Kristi Gaultiere, Psy.D., Co-Founders and Spiritual Directors
Andrew Ball, D.Min., Director
Eunice Cheshire, Co-Founder and President
Evan B. Howard, Ph.D., Founder and Director
Tom Wilson, M.Th., Founder and Leader
Christianne Squires, M.A., Founder and Spiritual Director
Greg Richardson, M.A., J.D., Spiritual Life Mentor
Maria Tattu Bowen, Ph.D., Co-Founder
Jeanie Hoover, M.A., Executive Director
Kim Nielsen, M.A., Founder and Spiritual Director
Tyndale University College & Seminary (Toronto), Barbara Haycraft, D.Min., Director
Patti Pierce, President and Executive Director