As an ecumenical hub dedicated to the serious study and practice of Christian spirituality, CenterQuest (CQ) is collaborating with its Affiliate Partners in providing a vast array of spiritual resources to the Christian community through the growing medium of online technology.
CQ LIFELONG LEARNING COMMUNITY (LLC) exists as a virtual host to a wide variety of e-courses all designed to foster personal change within its participants and promote deep connectedness to the world and with fellow-travellers on the journey.
LLC offers a series of ongoing short-term courses (4-6 weeks in length): both Basic (Introductory) as well as Advanced (Special Topic) online classes on the broad subject of spiritual formation designed with the following participants in mind:
- those who are interested in learning the foundations and dynamics of spiritual formation
- spiritual seekers who wish to deepen their journey with God and others
- folks who desire to engage in the intentional cultivation of various spiritual practices in their faith-life
- lifelong learners who are committed to study for personal enrichment
- those invested in their own professional development (via CEU credits)
- fellow-journeyers who long to be connected with a community of learners
- individuals committed to expanding their knowledge and experience base via certain specialized topics of interest uniquely relevant to their own contexts
- anyone who wants to sample and experience the exciting adventure of online learning
Watch out for new e-Course titles soon!