As an ecumenical hub dedicated to the serious study and practice of Christian spirituality, CenterQuest (CQ) is collaborating with its Affiliate Partners in providing a vast array of spiritual resources to the Christian community through the growing medium of online technology.
CQ LIFELONG LEARNING COMMUNITY (LLC) exists as a virtual host to a wide variety of e-courses all designed to foster personal change within its participants and promote deep connectedness to the world and with fellow-travellers on the journey.
LLC offers a series of ongoing short-term courses (4-6 weeks in length): both Basic (Introductory) as well as Advanced (Special Topic) online classes on the broad subject of spiritual formation designed with the following participants in mind:
- those who are interested in learning the foundations and dynamics of spiritual formation
- spiritual seekers who wish to deepen their journey with God and others
- folks who desire to engage in the intentional cultivation of various spiritual practices in their faith-life
- lifelong learners who are committed to study for personal enrichment
- those invested in their own professional development (via CEU credits)
- fellow-journeyers who long to be connected with a community of learners
- individuals committed to expanding their knowledge and experience base via certain specialized topics of interest uniquely relevant to their own contexts
- anyone who wants to sample and experience the exciting adventure of online learning
CS – God’s Reality: Exploring the Basics of Christian Spirituality (Wil Hernandez) (4-Week Course)
For basic course description on Exploring the Basics of Christian Spirituality, click here.
SF – In Christ’s Image: Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Formation (TBD) (4-Week Course) –
For basic course description on Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Formation, click here.
SD – Habits of the Heart: Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Disciplines (Brenda Buckwell) (4-Week Course)
For basic course description on Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Disciplines, click here.
ES – Beauty in the Ordinary: Exploring Everyday Spirituality (Val Dodge Reyna) (4-Week Course) Aug 4 to Aug 30, 2025
For basic course description on Exploring Everyday Spirituality, click here.
WH – Ordinary Words, Extraordinary Grace: Writing from the Heart (Wendy Jean MacLean) (4-Week Course) Mar 10 to Apr 5, 2025 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! REGISTER HERE!
For basic course description on Writing from the Heart, click here.
PE – Public Engagement: Integrating Spiritual Principles & Practices in Solving Social Issues (Joe Colletti) (4-Week Course) May 26 to Jun 21, 2025
For basic course description on Public Engagement, click here.
SC – Exploring Self-Care: Tending to Our Heart, Body, and Mind (Scott Strand) (4-Week Course) Oct 20 to Nov 15, 2025
For basic course description on Exploring Self-Care, click here.
PL – Exploring the Prayerful Life: Developing a Lifestyle of Attentiveness to God (Daniel Ethan Harris) – (4-Week Course) –
For basic course description on Exploring the Prayerful Life, click here.
ET – Exploring Your Enneagram Type: Why You Do What You Do (Jaye Andres) (6-Week Course) Jul 21 to Aug 30, 2025
For basic course description on Exploring Your Enneagram Type, click here.
EE – Embracing Emotions: God’s Gifts for Thriving (Nina Lau-Branson) (6-Week Course) Jun 9 to Jul 19, 2025
Course Description Coming Soon
AR – The Advent of God's Word: A Devotional Retreat in Preparation for Christmas and the New Year (Brenda Buckwell) (6-Week Course)
For basic course description on Advent Retreat, click here.
SL – Exploring the Spiritual Life: Following the Journey of Henri Nouwen (Wil Hernandez) (6-Week Course)
For basic course description on Exploring the Spiritual Life, click here.
CL – Exploring the Compassionate Life: A Call to Creative Action (Carol Ashton) (6-Week Course)
For basic course description on Exploring the Compassionate Life, click here.
Course Fee: $175 (4-Week eCourse) / $215 (6-Week eCourse)
Class is limited to a maximum of 20 participants per course. (First come, first served basis)
For any questions, email info@CQCenterQuest.org or call 1-833-QUEST-05.
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Online Learning Modality, click HERE!
LLC Courses take place on Moodle: https://LLC.CenterQuestMoodle.org
Note: After submitting the form, you will be able to make a payment for the LLC via PayPal. If PayPal doesn’t work for you, let us know immediately via email (info@cqcenterquest.org) if you’d rather send us a check in the mail (payable to CQ with "LLC" in the memo line) and addressed to: 122A E. Foothill Blvd., PMB 306, Arcadia, CA 91006.
Once we receive your payment (either via PayPal or mail) you will receive a confirmation email and other subsequent emails related to accessing our LLC Moodle site and preparing for the course as the class date gets closer.

Wil Hernandez, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B.
Wil is founder and executive director of CenterQuest (CQ) and serves as the program director of its School of Spiritual Direction (SSD). A trained spiritual director, supervisor, and online instructor, Wil teaches several online classes in the field of spiritual formation for various universities and seminaries in the U.S. He serves on the editorial board of Presence journal published by Spiritual Directors International (SDI). Wil is a lay Benedictine Oblate of Saint Andrew’s Abbey at Valyermo, CA and the author of a trilogy on the spirituality of Henri Nouwen.

Carol Ashton, M.A., Ed.
Carol brings her experience as an Instructional Designer with Pearson North America in Course Design, Development and Academic Research to create engaging, interactive online courses. Drawing on her certification in meditation and teaching background in psychology and education, she is especially interested in the merging of spirituality, neuroscience, and social engagement. Recent work in her studies of compassion includes participation in a nine-month compassion formation with The Center for Engaged Compassion (Claremont Lincoln University).

Jaye Andres, M.B.A.
Jaye is a certified Enneagram professional and Executive Director of the Arizona Enneagram Association. Jaye is also a “founding mother,” past president and Emeritus Director of the Arizona Enneagram Association. As a life coach, consultant and workshop facilitator, her passion is to assist others in raising their self-awareness and move past limiting beliefs and habits to live a fuller, freer, richer and more peaceful life. Learn more at www.PersonalityDynamicsAZ.com

Brenda Buckwell, D.Min.
Brenda is founder and CEO of Living Streams Flowing Water and serves as spiritual director, coach, consultant, trainer, retreat leader and educator. A trained spiritual director, supervisor, and online instructor, Brenda teaches several online and on-site classes in the field of spiritual formation for various seminaries in the U.S. and the UMC Cyber Campus. She serves as spiritual director for the executive board of the Spirituality Network, Columbus, Ohio. Brenda is the author of The Advent of God’s Word: Listening for the Divine Whisper.

Joe Colletti, Ph.D.
Joe is a social reformer who has modeled his life in the tradition of past and contemporary social reformers and has dedicated his life to solving social problems. As the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Hub for Urban Initiatives, Joe also serves as an adjunct associate professor of Urban Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. With his spouse Sofia Herrera, Joe co-founded the Society of Urban Monks which is an ecumenical community of men and women focused on integrating spiritual principles and practices with public engagement in solving social struggles.

Daniel Ethan Harris, M.A.
Daniel is a retreat leader and author of Live Prayerfully and several devotional books. A blogger, he writes regularly at SalvationLife.com. Prior to his training as a spiritual director with CenterQuest’s School of Spiritual Direction, he studied spiritual formation at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho and completed a two-year formation program with the Transforming Center in Wheaton, Illinois. Daniel manages a family business in Midland, Texas where he makes his home with his family.

Wendy Jean MacLean (M.Div)
Wendy brings a lifelong engagement and love of scripture, mythology and nature to her ministry, and her practice of spiritual direction and small group spirituality. Writing poetry is the spiritual practice that tunes her heart and gives voice to the workings of the Spirit. Her poetry has been published in three books of poetry and over thirty journals, and commissioned by several composers for choral music and performed internationally. Before she was ordained in the United Church of Canada, she taught in International Schools and in a northern community. She is a member of CQ SSD Cohort 5.

Val Dodge Reyna, M.A.
Val is one of the founding members of CenterQuest’s Community of Companions and functions as the communications coordinator for CQ. Prior to being involved in CQ, she served as program coordinator for three years with Spring Arbor University’s Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Leadership (MSFL). Val facilitated a course for MSFL entitled “Soul Care and the Church.” A practicing spiritual director, she is also a regular online instructor for CQ SSD and LLC .Val is currently a chaplain for a hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Vanessa Caruso, M.A.
Vanessa lives in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC with her husband, Steven, and their son, Leo. She received a Master’s degree in Spiritual Formation and Leadership at Spring Arbor University, and then became part of CenterQuest’s School of Spiritual Direction (SSD) inaugural cohort. Vanessa is the executive assistant for CenterQuest’s director, Wil Hernandez, and a co-director of Together in the Mystery, a supervision training program and community.

Scott Strand, M.Div., D.Min. (Cand.).
Scott lives in Spring Lake Park, Minnesota, with his wife, Kris, of 30-plus years. They have two adult children and a wonderful granddaughter. A lifelong learner, he has been involved in higher education and instructional technology since 1998. He serves in his local church and offers a teaching ministry in a state prison. Through his life story, Scott has realized his calling to come alongside others on the path of transformation. Scott assists in the instructional design and technology aspects of CenterQuest’s School of Spiritual Direction.