Webinar FAQ

Webinar FAQs

Just what is a webinar?

The simplest answer is that it is a seminar via a web platform. You do not have to leave your place or travel elsewhere to attend a webinar. The only requirement is good internet connectivity. For CQ, we use the webinar services of Zoom (www.zoom.us).

How do I sign up for a webinar event?

Once you choose an event to attend, click the REGISTER ONLINE button to fill out your name and email address and afterwards pay the required fee through PayPal (using your PayPal account or a credit or debit card). Once you receive a confirmation email from CenterQuest, you click a link to Zoom to complete the process.

Registration fee for a webinar is non-refundable and non-transferrable. Fees may vary depending upon the topic and presenter. There is no strict deadline to sign up so long as there is space available but it’s always good to register early. If a particular webinar turns out to be particularly popular, we may set up a deadline and close the registration two days before the scheduled event. Be sure to check our CQ Webinar page from time to time for the most updated information about an event.

How do I attend the actual webinar event?

Zoom will send you a unique personal link which you need to click to log on during the actual day/time of the event and you’re on. It’s that simple!

What do I expect when I attend a webinar event?

You will see and hear the presenter (not the other attendees) and/or the panelists (if any) and view their visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint, SlideShare, etc.) if they’re using any. The entire presentation is typically an hour plus a brief Q & A at the end (about 15 minutes). You can forward any question you may have in advance by typing it using the Q & A message box on Zoom. The speaker(s) will do their best to address questions as time warrants it.

What if I miss the actual webinar event?

Not a problem at all! As a registered participant, you will be issued a special access to the recorded session online (including the presentation outline via PowerPoint, etc.) following the event.

How do I ensure my computer can connect?

Once registered for a CQ Webinar, more information will be sent to you via email about how and when to connect to the webinar. Make sure you have strong internet connection where you are.

If you are having issues connecting, please contact Zoom Support Center at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

Who may join a webinar?

Everyone is welcome to attend a CQ Webinar. Choose a topic of interest for you.

Why attend a webinar?

In line with our commitment to promote the ongoing study and practice of Christian spirituality, CQ is pleased to offer a series of webinars each quarter beginning in 2016, all designed to explore wide-ranging topics of interest in the fields of spiritual formation, spiritual disciplines, and spiritual direction. For our pilot launch this 2015, we are offering two webinars: one in October and another in November, featuring well-selected expert presenters in the broad arena of Christian spirituality. We hope that you can join us!

Webinars are an excellent venue for lifelong learning—both for ongoing personal enrichment and professional development.

NOTE: If you can’t find answers to any pressing question you may have about our webinar offering, email info@cqcenterquest.org or call 1-855-WHEEL-05.