What does the SSD program cost actually cover?

The fee of $3,750 for the entire 15-month cycle covers the two residencies [Opening/Closing] (6 days and 8 days respectively) which include room and board as well as the tuition fees and materials for all 8 online courses and 6 residency classes and regular praxis/practicum sessions. The total program cost covers all the course materials (excluding textbooks), online learning tools (excluding software programs), and stipends for our online/residency faculty, mentors, and program staff.

When compared to other spiritual direction programs, SSD is fair and reasonably priced. Whereas a local 9 or 12-month program over two or three years may offer less over more time, our SSD program offers more in less time. By way of analogy, many universities offer a January term in which a semester’s worth of work is compressed into one month. The tuition fees of these month-long intensives are typically equal to semester-long classes. When evaluating the cost of SSD, it is important to note that our program is similarly compressed yet offer more than a local one-year program. In fact, the contact hours involved in our two residencies as well as in our 8 online courses of 4-6 weeks each (through instruction, facilitation, supervision, and regular interaction with instructors, mentors, and other cohort members) is comparable to many two- or three-year local programs and is, therefore, very reasonably priced.