Basic Intro Trilogy – CQ Asia

Basic Intro Trilogy
This "3-in-1" Basic Intro Trilogy (BIT) 6-week eCourse is open to anybody who wants to explore the basics of spirituality, spiritual formation, and spiritual disciplines.

As a pre-requisite for our accepted applicants for CQ Asia-SSD, we have combined three separate introductory courses into one 6-week class to provide a basic background in the fields of Christian spirituality, spiritual formation, and spiritual disciplines (based on the original eCourse materials below)

CS – God’s Reality: Exploring the Basics of Christian Spirituality 

SF – In Christ’s Image: Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Formation 

SD – Habits of the Heart: Exploring the Basics of Spiritual Disciplines 

View the BIT Course Description.

Sept. 29 - Nov. 8, 2025 (6 wks) - BIT Asia 1

COURSE FEE: 150 USD (6-Week eCourse)

Each class is limited to a maximum of 15 participants per course (On a first come, first served basis)

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View the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Online Learning Modality.

online facilitators

Wil Hernandez, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B.

Wil is founder and executive director of CenterQuest (CQ) and serves as the program director of its School of Spiritual Direction (SSD). A trained spiritual director, supervisor, and online instructor, Wil teaches several online classes in the field of spiritual formation for various universities and seminaries in the U.S. He serves on the editorial board of Presence journal published by Spiritual Directors International (SDI). Wil is a lay Benedictine Oblate of Saint Andrew’s Abbey at Valyermo, CA and the author of a trilogy on the spirituality of Henri Nouwen.

Val Dodge Reyna, M.A.

Val is one of the founding members of CenterQuest’s Community of Companions and serves as a regular instructor for Soul Companioning eCourse and other LLC online offerings. Prior to being involved in CenterQuest, she served as program coordinator for three years with Spring Arbor University’s Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Leadership (MSFL). Val facilitated a course for MSFL entitled “Soul Care and the Church.” A practicing spiritual director, Val is currently a chaplain for a hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Joe Albaniel, Jr.

Joe is a businessman involved in the Heat and Power industry as a practitioner, supplier, and consultant for many years and is the Country Manager of Euroasiatic Philippines, Inc. He serves as a Board Chairman for a healing ministry in the Philippines. Joe took his training in spiritual formation under On the Third Day (OTTD) Ministries and has participated in spiritual direction modules at the Center for Ignatian Spirituality, Philippines. He is a trained spiritual director with CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction (Cohort 5).
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