This is not a short-cut program. The rationale is not acceleration or cutting corners but rather an intentional concentration on the essentials of spiritual direction in an intensive manner with a specific participant in mind. The SSD program is not just for anyone but rather for persons who have some basic theological background, formational experience, history of being in spiritual direction, and the time, energy, and capacity to engage an 18-month intensive hybrid program. Focused attention is given to the essentials of spiritual direction: presence, prayer, contemplation, listening, and discernment. Each is integrated both in theory and praxis in every course we offer throughout the year. Examples of suitable applicants are: pastors/priests and religious sisters with theological education or ministry degrees, professional or volunteer hospice workers, campus ministers, chaplains, bereavement ministers, and men and women who have participated in spiritual formation programs or are involved in, gifted at, or called to a ministry of accompaniment but who may lack formal training as a spiritual director and/or may not have geographical access to a local program.
By way of summary, our program is:
- an 18-month focused training (with breaks in between modules and quarters)
- geared toward persons with some basic background and experience in spiritual companioning
- employing a hybrid format: online and residency combination
- ecumenically broad in make-up and approach
- decidedly contemplative-evocative in stance
- international in its thrust and global in reach (while this specific cohort is Asian-focused, anyone from anywhere in the world is welcome to participate)
- communal in emphasis
- mentor-guided
- experiential and praxis-driven
- facilitated by experienced and seasoned practitioners in the field
Lastly, and most importantly, our program design is heavily influenced by the spirituality and writings of Henri Nouwen.
For a more detailed explanation of our program distinctives, click HERE!
We do expect our applicants to have a history of being in direction for at least a minimum of six months to a year (ideally) prior to the official start of the SSD program. This prerequisite is rooted in the experience and wisdom of the Christian community’s practice of spiritual guidance and generally is accepted as a guideline in most, if not all, spiritual direction programs. Part of the rationale is that one fundamental way we learn to be spiritual directors is by being in direction ourselves. This is also the reason why we require participants to be in spiritual direction on a monthly basis while going through the program. That being said, the interviewing committee treats each applicant and his/her unique situation singularly, and we reserve the right to make legitimate exceptions if our communal judgment and discernment lead us to do so. For our SD Referral Network for CQ Asia, click HERE!
It differs in at least two important ways. First, the SSD is a hybrid-format program. While most coursework takes place online, students are also required to physically attend two one-week residency sessions during the program. The combination of online engagement and face-to-face sessions utilizing multiple pedagogical modalities is vital and gives you the best of online learning and campus-based education. The hybrid approach with online learning sandwiched between residencies makes it possible for capable and gifted spiritual directors-to-be to participate. Work schedules, ministry responsibilities on weekends, and geographical distance often make multiple year, local programs problematic, if not impossible, for many interested persons.
Second, by design the SSD is a non-accredited program, unlike most undergraduate and graduate programs at colleges and universities, where you will earn grades and college credits. Although all credible programs involve intellectual rigor, we believe that spiritual direction (as care of souls) is not primarily an academic endeavor. We are convinced that the most appropriate environment for nurturing the call and developing the skills involved in becoming a spiritual director is not the academy but the community of faith. Both our online component and two weeklong residencies offer attentive mentoring and are done within the spirit of an intentional, supportive faith community.
Technology and Internet access and skills are an important component in our program. While you do not need to be a computer expert, you do need to know how to:
- Navigate and conduct a search on the Internet
- Use email
- Download a program from the Internet and install it
Students need to have consistent access to an Internet-capable (and connected) computer, and they need to already possess intermediate computer and Internet skills. We provide some basic training, as well as online tutorials and a Help Desk to assist you with Moodle (our online learning platform). If you have a newer computer with good Internet access and are self-motivated, willing to ask for help, and can follow written instructions, the technology should not prevent you from keeping up.
It would certainly vary from participant to participant. On the average, participants should be prepared to invest a total of 10-15 hours each week as follows:
- 4-5 hours on coursework preparation and assignments
- 6-7 hours for online engagement: reading/responding to posts (Tuesday to Friday)
- 2-3 hours for personal reflection and experiential exercises
The week runs from Monday to Saturday (with Sundays off). Mondays are usually devoted to coursework preparation (reading texts, watching videos, listening to audio, etc.). Tuesdays through Fridays are usually focused on online engagement (responding to discussion question prompts, threaded discussion/interaction with classmates and the instructor, blog or journal posts, etc.). Saturdays are usually allotted for Zoom meetings and working on assignments and other review or catch-up work. Note, however, that this average time allocation will change once the “official” Practicum period kicks in half-way through the program as this will involve the participant directing at least two people and seeing a supervisor in addition to seeing his/her own spiritual director on a monthly basis. Also, during the Group Spiritual Guidance module, more praxis time is required.

It depends. Many potential participants have a misconception about online courses, thinking they will only need to log in to their course once a week, listen to a lecture, do a few activities, and take a quiz, similar to what they experienced in many of their face-to-face courses in college. That is not the case with SSD courses. Our online courses emphasize building relationships, and engaging and interacting – with the instructor, the course content, and with your fellow cohort participants. So unlike many face-to-face courses, participation in online class discussions is not optional or only for those seated in the front row.
Online courses rarely have the same pacing or instructional activities as face-to-face courses. Although synchronous communication tools, such as Zoom web call, may be used in your online courses – thus enabling the sort of real-time interactions students are accustomed to in on-campus courses – text-based asynchronous communication tools (e.g., threaded discussion forums) are still the primary tools used for participant-instructor and participant-participant interaction and communication in online courses. Due to the very nature of these tools (i.e., text-based and asynchronous), online courses have very different pacing and use very different instructional strategies than on-campus courses.
We will give you a video tour of Moodle (our online learning platform), via our Moodle website, so you’ll get an idea of how to access course content, interact with instructors and turn in assignments. We will also offer an “Orientation to Moodle and Online Learning” session prior to and during the opening residency. A few weeks or so before the first online course starts, we will host an optional “Open House” weekend on our Moodle site during which students will have the opportunity to “play” with Moodle and to get “live” help from our Moodle experts.
Online learning takes place in a variety of ways, but it is most effective when everyone in a course regularly and actively engages with the course content (readings, lectures, videos, etc.), with their instructor and with one another. Much of this engagement happens in threaded discussions (Forums), which are asynchronous (non-live) and, also, through different types of group work.
For Cohort 2, the total program cost amounts to $4,600. The fee covers the cost for ten online course modules plus content presentations and facilitated praxis exercises during the Opening and Closing Residencies.
A one-time, non-refundable application fee of $125 is due immediately upon submission of application paperwork.
- The fees for the participant's personal spiritual direction and supervision sessions (negotiable fees)
- A flat fee of $300 for 8 hours of dyad/mentoring "real play" practice sessions with supervisor/mentor feedback and coaching
- The required books/course materials to be sourced by the participant
- Travel to the Opening and Closing Residencies
- Board and lodging charges by the retreat center (approximately $300 for the Opening Residency and $350 for the Closing Residency)
- Transportation to the residency location for those arriving at a local airport (and back). At this time, the residencies are expected to be held within the Luzon region of the Philippines. The CQ office can offer assistance by way of suggested options, arrangement guidelines, and instructions.
- Payment in Full: The tuition amount may be paid in full anytime after the applicant has been officially accepted into the program. The balance of the tuition may also be paid in full after payment of the initial deposit.
- No-interest Extended/Installment Arrangement: This installment arrangement comes with a one-time non-refundable $175 transaction charge (covering processing fees, PayPal and/or bank wire fee charges, and fluctuating exchange rates).
For Super Early Bird Applicants [SEB]
(Those applying beginning January 1, 2025 onwards until June 30, 2025)
- SEB applicants enjoy an SEB discount of $500 and pay a total of $4,100 for the program.
- SEB slots are limited to the first 15 accepted applicants who have fully paid the initial deposit. This means that the person has applied, has been interviewed, has been officially accepted, and has paid the required non-refundable (but transferrable) deposit, all within the specified period.
- Those who wish to take advantage of the SEB should therefore plan on applying early.
- A required initial deposit of $1,100 is due within thirty (30) days after receiving an official notice of acceptance to the SSD program.
- A second payment of $500 is due by Oct 30, 2025
- A third payment of $500 is due by Jan 30, 2026
- Note 1: (Opening Residency fee of $300 is due by Mar 31, 2026.)
- A fourth payment of $500 is due by May 30, 2026
- A fifth payment of $500 is due by Aug 30, 2026
- A sixth payment of $500 is due by Nov 30, 2026
- Note 2: (Practicum fee of $300 is due by Dec 15, 2026)
- A final payment of $500 is due by Feb 28, 2027
- Note 3: (Closing Residency fee of $350 is due by Jun 30, 2027.)
- Note 4: This no-interest extended/installment payment plan comes with a one-time non-refundable $175 transaction charge (covering processing fees, PayPal and/or bank wire fee charges, and fluctuating exchange rates).
- Note 5: SEBs who can pay the full tuition balance no later than June 30, 2025, will be entitled to an additional $150 discount and will pay a total fee of only $3,950.
(Those applying beginning July 1, 2025 onwards until January 30, 2026 – which is the deadline for applications for this Cohort 2).
- RA slots are allotted for accepted applicants who have paid the initial deposit. This means the person has applied, has been interviewed, has been officially accepted, and has paid the required non-refundable (but transferrable) deposit, all within the specified period.
- A required initial deposit of $1,600 is due within thirty (30) days after receiving an official notice of acceptance to the SSD program.
- Note 1: (Opening Residency fee of $300 is due by Mar 31, 2026.)
- A second payment of $600 is due by May 30, 2026
- A third payment of $600 is due by Aug 30, 2026
- A fourth payment of $600 is due by Nov 30, 2026
- Note 2: (Practicum fee of $300 is due by Dec 15, 2026.)
- A fifth payment of $600 is due by Feb 28, 2027
- A final payment of $600 is due by May 30, 2027
- Note 3: (Closing Residency fee of $350 is due by Jun 30, 2027.)
- Note 4: This no-interest extended/installment payment plan comes with a one-time non-refundable $175 transaction charge (covering processing fees, PayPal and/or bank wire fee charges, and fluctuating exchange rates).
- Note 5: An RA who can pay the full tuition balance (after the initial deposit) no later than January 1, 2026, will be entitled to a $200 discount and will pay a total fee of only $4,400.
The total fee of $4,600 for the entire 18-month cycle covers the program expenses as well as the tuition fees and materials for all ten online courses and built-in residency classes. The full program cost covers all the course materials (excluding textbooks), online learning tools (excluding software programs), and stipends for our online/residency faculty, mentors, and program staff.
The fee of $4,600 excludes board and lodging for the Opening and Closing Residencies (6 days and 8 days, respectively), praxis/practicum fees for real-play spiritual direction and supervision sessions, and monthly fees negotiated by the participants with their own spiritual director and supervisor.
When compared to other spiritual direction programs, SSD is fair and reasonably priced. Whereas a local 9- or 12-month program over two or three years may offer less over more time, our SSD program offers more in less time. By way of analogy, many universities offer a January term in which a semester’s worth of work is compressed into one month. The tuition fees of these month-long intensives are typically equal to semester-long classes. When evaluating the cost of SSD, it is important to note that our program is similarly compressed yet offers more than a local one-year program. In fact, the contact hours involved in our two residencies as well as in our ten online courses of usually 4 weeks each (through instruction, facilitation, supervision, and regular interaction with instructors, mentors, and other cohort members) is comparable to many two- or three-year local programs and is, therefore, very reasonably priced.