Meet our SSD Program Staff
- Wil Hernandez – Program Director
- Lisa Myers – Co-Director of the SSD Program/Director of the SSD Mentoring Program
- Nina Lau-Branson – Director of Mentoring Community (MC)
- Jerry Lee – Program Special Assistant
- Cris Crisfield / Vanessa Caruso – SSD Administrative Assistants
- Scott Strand – Instructional Design and Technology Consultant
- Joy Yap – Finance Manager/Bookkeeper
- Margie Mach – CQ SSD Communications Coordinator
- Barbie Ishida – Residency Support Assistant
Meet Our Instructors

Brenda Buckwell, D.Min.
Brenda is founder and CEO of Living Streams Flowing Water ( and serves as spiritual director, coach, consultant, trainer, retreat leader and educator. She is also spiritual director for the executive board of the Spirituality Network, Columbus, Ohio. Brenda is the author of The Advent of God’s Word: Listening for the Divine Whisper.
Helen Cepero, M.Div. (Inaugural Instructor)
Helen Cepero trains spiritual directors at North Park Theological Seminary and serves as the executive director of the spiritual direction formation program at the Journey Center in Santa Rosa, California. A frequent retreat leader, she is ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church. Helen is the author of Journaling as a Spiritual Practice.
Fr. Stephen Coffey, O.S.B., D.Min. (Cand.)
Fr. Stephen Coffey is a spiritual director and Benedictine monk at the Monastery of the Risen Christ, San Luis Obispo, CA (sponsored by the Camaldolese Benedictine Congregation). He has served in retreat and spiritual direction ministries in New Mexico, Oregon, Hawaii, and CA and was one of the initiators of the program at Shalom Prayer Center in Mt. Angel, OR. He has also served on the faculty of the SD program sponsored by the Monastery of the Risen Christ.
Wil Hernandez, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B.
Wil Hernandez is a trained counselor, retreat leader, and spiritual director/supervisor and the author of a trilogy of books on Henri Nouwen. A lay Benedictine oblate of Saint Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, California, he is also on the editorial review panel of Presence, the journal published by Spiritual Directors International (SDI), and serves on the planning committee of SDI’s Leadership Institute.
Susan Phillips, Ph.D.
Susan, executive director of New College Berkeley of Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, is a sociologist, spiritual director, and adjunct teacher at San Francisco Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Regent College. Her great love is meeting with people for spiritual direction and for supervision. Her books that address spiritual direction are Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction and The Cultivated Life: From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy.
Evan B. Howard, Ph.D. (Inaugural Instructor)
Evan B. Howard is the founder and director of Spirituality Shoppe, an evangelical center for the study of Christian spirituality. He lectures on spirituality, philosophy, and religion at Colorado Mesa University and other institutions. He is the author of The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, among other books and articles. He leads workshops and seminars on Christian spirituality worldwide.
Lisa Myers, M.A.
Lisa Myers received her M.A. in Christian spirituality from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and her spiritual direction training from Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, D.C. She helped design Companions for the Journey, a contemplative guidance ministry for La Cañada Presbyterian Church that has become a model for doing spiritual guidance in community. Lisa has led retreats for churches, seminaries, and other Christian organizations.
Dan Miller, Ph.D.
Dan Miller is a Catholic Christian with an ecumenical spirit who is a spiritual director, supervisor, teacher, retreat leader, and writer. Trained at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation where he completed the spiritual guidance program in 1988, Dan founded a monthly spiritual formation community called the Human and the Holy in 2003, which he continues to lead to this day at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Pomona, California.
Maria Tattu Bowen, Ph.D.
Maria Tattu Bowen is Catholic and a spiritual director and supervisor who holds a Ph.D. in Christian Spirituality and enjoys working across faith tradtitions. She is the co-founder of Together in the Mystery, a combined on-site and distance-learning program that has trained supervisors from throughout North America as well as Canada, Mexico, Ireland, the Philippines, Korea, and Japan. She writes on the topic of spiritual direction and coordinates supervision for the diploma in the art of spiritual direction program at San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Larry Warner, M.A.T.
Larry Warner is a spiritual director, retreat leader, and the founder/director of B-Ministries as well as the San Diego regional director for Christian Formation and Direction Ministries. He is an adjunct professor at Bethel Seminary in San Diego and teaches for the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Talbot Seminary and the master’s in ministry program at Point Loma Nazarene University. Larry is the author of Journey With Jesus and Discernment, God’s Will, & Living Jesus.</em >
During the opening residency as well as the final residency, we feature guest speakers who are known practitioners in the field of spiritual companioning. This is meant to expose our cohorts each year to topics related to companioning in general and spiritual direction in particular given by experts in these areas. We invite one guest speaker from our assembled pool of Guest Residency Speakers for each of the two residencies in every training cycle.
Meet Our Pool of Guest Speakers
Jeannette A. Bakke, Ph.D., D.Min.
Spiritual director and author of Holy Invitations: Exploring Spiritual Direction. Faculty associate at Bethel Seminary and facilitator at Christos Center for Spiritual Formation in Minnesota.
Elected the first abbot of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, California in 1992. Spiritual director, retreat presenter, and Director of Oblates (Lay Benedictines) at the Abbey.
Fr. Stephen Coffey, O.S.B., D.Min. (Cand.)
Spiritual director and Benedictine monk at the Monastery of the Risen Christ in San Luis Obispo, California.
Joseph Driskill, Ph.D.
Professor emeritus of spirituality at the Pacific School of Religion and author of Protestant Spiritual Exercises: Theology, History, and Practice.
Alan Fadling, M.Div.
Executive director of the Journey, a retreat ministry of The Leadership Institute, and author of An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest.
Terry Hershey, M.A.T.
Writer, inspirational speaker, and advocate for spirituality. Author of The Power of Pause: Becoming More by Doing Less.
David Hoover, M.T.S.
Spiritual director, retreat leader, and presenter on prayer and spirituality at the Center for Spiritual Development in Orange, California. Co-director of Inscape Ministries.
Evan B. Howard, Ph.D.
Founder and director of Spirituality Shoppe, an evangelical center for the study of Christian spirituality. Author of The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality.
Joann Nesser, D.Min.
Founder and retired director of Christos Center for Spiritual Formation in Minnesota. Author and spiritual director with the Henri Nouwen Society.
Fr. Bernie Owens, S.J., Ph.D.
Teacher and director at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Bloomfield, Michigan, from 1994-2013. Presently ministering at Mwangaza Jesuit Retreat Center in Nairobi, Kenya.
Juanita Rasmus
Spiritual director, co-pastor at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas, and founder of the Art Project Houston for the city’s homeless and transitioning community.
Tom Schwanda, Ph.D.
Spiritual director and associate professor of Christian formation and ministry at Wheaton College in Illinois.
Stephen Smith, M.Div.
Spiritual director and president/CEO of Potter’s Inn, a retreat center for soul care and spiritual direction in Colorado.
Ekman Pui Chuen Tam, Ph.D., Psy.D.
President of Christian Contemplative Spirituality Institute. Family therapist, counseling psychologist, writer, teacher, and spiritual director.
Christine Valters Paintner, Ph.D.
Abbess of the virtual monastery Abbey of the Arts and author of several books, including The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul With Monastic Wisdom.</em >
Norvene Vest, Ph.D., Obl. O.S.B.
Spiritual director and author of several books on Benedictine spirituality and other subjects, including Re-Visioning Theology: A Mythic Approach to Religion. Editor of Still Listening: New Horizons in Spiritual Direction.
Wendy Wright, Ph.D.
Professor of theology and director of the Center for the Study of Catholicism at Creighton University in Nebraska. Author of numerous books in Christian spirituality, including Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal: Letters of Spiritual Direction.
One of the distinctives of the CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction
(SSD) is its communal emphasis. We believe it is possible to cultivate and
experience a deep sense of community even in a hybrid setting that combines
online and residency components. One deliberate way to ensure this happens is
through the mentorship of participants, which involves a one-on-one and group
facilitation process within a cohort setting throughout the program. In this
regard, we employ the services of carefully selected mentors/facilitators who
are trained and experienced in the ministry of individual and group guidance
and spiritual accompaniment.
Meet Our Mentors Pool
Christy Claxton-Brink (Currently not available as mentor)
Christy is a spiritual director who received her training in spiritual direction and retreats under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Spirituality Center. She is also a trained facilitator for Companions for the Journey, a spiritual companioning ministry that originated at La Cañada Presbyterian Church in California. Christy has participated in and directed a small group of Catholic deacons going through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. An avid student of the Enneagram as well as dream work and analysis, Christy is particularly interested in the relationship between art and contemplative spirituality. She and her husband Gene enjoy spending time with their first grandchild, Henry, born during the pandemic.
Linda Hamady
Linda holds a B.A. in art education and continues to teach full-time. She comes from a Reformed church background, is married to a pastor, and has spent many years supporting and co-pastoring within the walls of the church. She attended and received her training in spiritual formation and direction through Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California. For the past 10 years, Linda has been attending and facilitating groups at La Cañada Presbyterian Church with its Companions for the Journey ministry. She is ever grateful to have learned that growth in intimacy with God is understood as growth in a person’s capacity to be authentically, freely, and fully themselves with God. She always asks the questions: Who is God for me? Who am I for God in the practical and ordinary side of everyday living?
Catherine Hart Weber, Ph.D.
(Currently not available as mentor)
Catherine received her M.A. in Theology and Christian Formation from Fuller Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Fuller School of Psychology. For the last thirty plus years, she has continued to deepen her training and practice of integrating Mental Health, Human Flourishing and Christian Spiritual Formation, through many streams of faith. She teaches at universities, leads retreats, as well as offers individual and group spiritual direction, being trained in the Shalem model. She has journeyed through the Ignatian Exercises several times with a spiritual director. As a novice in training for Benedictine oblation, Catherine is delighted to join alongside others who are also seeking God, desiring to be transformed by His love in all aspects of life and formed in the likeness of Christ.
Luisa Johnson, Ph.D.
After thirty years working as a clinical psychologist, Luisa discerned a call to be a spiritual director and deepened her training through the School of Spiritual Direction (SSD) program of Center Quest. Prior to this, she trained for two years (2002-2004) at the Academy for Spiritual Formation XIX hosted by the Upper Room Ministries. Luisa is also an artist expressing a relationship with God through the contemplative study of nature and the human form. In the practice of mentoring and spiritual direction, she seeks to listen for God together with the person, and to create ways beyond words for growing in God’s transformative love.
Nina Lau-Branson, M.B.A. (Director of the Mentoring Community)
Nina received her training in spiritual direction with CenterQuest’s School of Spiritual Direction (SSD) as part of its inaugural cohort. Aside from regularly co-facilitating Soul Companioning introductory eCourses for CenterQuest’s spiritual direction online offering, she also leads spiritual practices in small groups, as well as mentors and resources Asian spiritual formation groups at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. Additionally, Nina teaches spiritual formation for groups of Free Methodist clergy and lay leaders. A Centering Prayer practitioner, she is particularly interested in contextualizing spiritual practices and direction for cultural communities outside of the European heritage.
Craig Lockwood, M.S.
Craig is a retired, ordained pastor of more than 32 years through Vineyard Church of Anaheim where his primary ministry focus was Pastoral Care, including oversight of lay counseling, 12-step and other recovery groups, inner healing, pastoral counseling and deliverance. For many years he oversaw the Vineyard Spiritual Formation Community, led spiritual retreats, oversaw the emerging spiritual directors, and the corresponding peer supervision. Craig is a Certified Clinical Pastoral Counselor and a trained spiritual director and supervisor. He has been married to Deborah for 41 years and have two grown children. For the last 4 cohorts it has been my privileged and joy to serve as a mentor for the CenterQuest SSD program and invest in the lives of future spiritual directors.
Lisa Myers, M.A. (Co-Director of the SSD Program)
Lisa received her M.A. in Christian spirituality from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and her spiritual direction training from Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, D.C. She helped design Companions for the Journey, a contemplative guidance ministry for La Cañada Presbyterian Church that has become a model for doing spiritual guidance in community. Lisa has led retreats for churches, seminaries, and other Christian organizations. Lisa is an original founding member of CenterQuest and curriculum consultant for the School of Spiritual Direction program. Currently, she is serving as co-director of the SSD Mentoring Program together with Claudia Zentmyer.
Anne Peck (Currently not available as mentor)
Anne received her spiritual direction training from Christian Formation and Direction Ministries (CFDM) in Los Angeles. She has been a lay counselor for over twenty years through the Lay Counseling Program at La Canada Presbyterian Church. Anne has been involved with Companions for the Journey (also at LCPC) for many years as a participant as well as a Companions Facilitator. For the past 25 years, she has facilitated a variety of small groups including study groups, divorce recovery groups, and spiritual direction Groups. Anne is especially touched by the ways that God uses community to bring about healing and regularly humbled by the great privilege of companioning others on their journey.
Madeline Rose
Madeline discovered the art of spiritual direction after many years facilitating small groups, coaching small group facilitators, and developing and leading mentoring ministries. For more than 10 years now, she has been offering spiritual direction. Her training in spiritual direction and retreats was completed under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Spirituality Center at Mount St. Mary’s College. Madeline also trained as a facilitator of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for two years after completing a 10-month retreat program called “The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: A Retreat in Daily Life.” She is an active participant in a peer supervision group of spiritual directors that meets in Pasadena on a monthly basis.
Joyce Wybenga (Currently not available as mentor)
Joyce is a retired schoolteacher and has been a bible study leader in her church for many years. During the last ten years she has focused her energy in doing spiritual direction and leading a contemplative prayer group at her church modeled after Companions for the Journey at La Canada Presbyterian Church. Her training in spiritual formation and direction has introduced her to many new resources and has ultimately brought a deepening walk to her own spiritual journey. She now also teaches spiritual formation for her church and leads retreats in various areas. Her growing intimacy with Christ through the practice of contemplative spirituality has, most importantly, enabled her to find fulfillment and purpose in her ordinary days.
Claudia Zentmyer, B.B.C., C.L.P.
(Currently not available as mentor)
Claudia completed her training in spiritual direction at the Spirituality Center of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, located at Mount St. Mary’s College, in May 2005. Since that time, she has offered both individual and group spiritual direction to many. She also participated in the leadership of the Companions for the Journey community at La Cañada Presbyterian Church from 1996 through 2009. Over the years, she has mentored various groups, including facilitators in the Companions community, student chaplains at Fuller Theological Seminary, and chaplains at Olive View UCLA Medical Center. Claudia is co-director of the SSD Mentoring Program.
In our training program, we believe in emphasizing the crucial component of spiritual director supervision (both one-on-one and peer types) Under the able leadership of Maria Tattu Bowen of Together in the Mystery (a supervision training program), we have assembled well-trained supervisors who will facilitate the said process.
Meet Our Spiritual Director Supervisors
Maria Eulalia G. Banawis, R.V.M, M.A.
Sr. Lalie is a Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) sister of the Philippines. She has a Master’s degree in Theological Studies at Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University. She was trained as a spiritual director at the Institute for Spiritual Leadership in Chicago and holds a certificate for Directing Prayer and Retreat at the Jesuit Center for Spirituality in Wernersville, PA. Sr. Lalie has also participated in several supervision workshops under the auspices of the Mercy Center in Madison, CT and the Upper Room Spiritual Center in Neptune City, NJ. For the past 30 years she has been involved in giving retreats and spiritual direction. As part of her ongoing commitment to her continuing professional development, she recently participated in a yearlong program of CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction last 2018-2019.
Maria Tattu Bowen, Ph.D.
See BIO under “Online/Residency Instructors” section
Paul Burgmayer, M.A.
Paul has an active practice of spiritual direction and supervision both in-person and via the Internet. For the past six years, he has co-taught a class on prayer and contemplation at Kairos-On the Journey, a weekend spiritual formation program in Wernersville, PA. With a M.A. in Holistic Spirituality and certificate in Spiritual Direction from Chestnut Hill College, certificates in Supervision of Spiritual Direction from Together in the Mystery and Mercy Center Burlingame, Paul feels a special calling to working with spiritual directors in training. A long-time high school chemistry teacher, Paul lives in Wayne, PA with his wife. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening with her, woodworking, and writing.
Terry Christenson
Terry has offered spiritual direction, retreats, and classes in contemplative practices and spiritual growth since 2002. She has been a supervisor of spiritual directors since 2008 and is currently on staff with the Together in the Mystery Program helping train spiritual directors to discern and live out their call as supervisors of spiritual directors. She has been married for over 40 years, has grown children and grandchildren. Terry received her spiritual direction training at the Benedictine Shalom Center in Mt. Angel, OR, and earned ministry certification through the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. She makes her home in Roseburg, Oregon.
Christy Claxton-Brink
See BIO under “Mentors Pool” section
Karen Derr, DMJ, Ph.D.
Sister Karen is a member of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, an international congregation of women religious dedicated to being a compassionate presence in the world. She received her spiritual direction training through the Masters in Applied Spirituality program at the University of San Francisco. She also holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Southern California. Karen has an extensive background in education, spiritual formation, spiritual direction, retreat work, clinical psychology, workshop facilitation, and congregational leadership. Her supervision training is with the Together in Mystery (TIM) Program. Karen is makes her home in West Los Angeles.
Linda Flynn, M.S., MFT
Linda is a spiritual director, supervisor of spiritual directors, and a marriage and family therapist. She received her training in spiritual direction through the Institute in Retreat/Spiritual Direction at the Spirituality Center, Mount St. Mary’s College in 2005, and her training in supervision from Together in the Mystery in 2020. She holds a masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary. Linda also participated in the leadership of Companions for the Journey at La Canada Presbyterian church. Her interests include art as a contemplative practice, Jungian psychology, Centering Prayer, and ocean kayaking.
Liz Forney, M.Div. (Currently not available as supervisor)
Liz received her training through the Shalem Institute and has practiced spiritual direction since 2010. She has served as a pastor and retreat leader in congregations in Texas, Atlanta, Tennessee, and is currently serving as the pastor for congregational care at First Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA. She is an instructor with Columbia Theological Seminary’s certificate in spiritual direction, and also the co-author of What is Your Practice, Lifelong Growth in the Spirit, with Dr. Norvene Vest. Particular areas of interest are the intersection of art and spirit and nature. She and her husband David, also a pastor, enjoy life with their two nearly adult children.
Jack Gonsalves
Jack is a 2004 graduate of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality, Ignatian Spiritual Formation Program. He has guided others through the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality as well as at the Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. He has provided spiritual direction and conferences on retreats. Jack received training in spiritual direction through the Institute in Retreat/Spiritual Direction sponsored by the Spirituality Center at Mount St. Mary’s College, in Los Angeles, CA. He received further training in spiritual direction supervision through the Together in the Mystery program conducted by the staff of the San Francisco Theological Seminary. Jack is a musician, singer, and former liturgist and religious education teacher.
Kim Isaak, M.A.
Kim </span >is the Executive Director of Restoration Ministries, a spiritual direction and formation ministry founded by Rev. Jean Leih in 2007 and is based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, USA. Formed through Ignatian Spirituality of finding God in all things, Kim has been offering spiritual direction since 2009 and completed supervision training with Together in the Mystery in 2018. Kim has a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Leadership from Spring Arbor University, completed a 9-month chaplaincy internship, and has experience and training in Inner Relationship Focusing. Her interests in ministry include healing from spiritual abuse, grief, supporting restoration and wholeness through presence and compassion, women in ministry, and companioning the dying and those who love them.
Craig Lockwood, M.S.
See BIO under “Mentors Pool” section
Patricia Macdonald, M.A.
Patricia is a trained spiritual director, supervisor, professional facilitator, adult educator, and retreat leader. She received her formation in spiritual direction supervision, through attending seminars and workshops led by Lucy Tucker, Maureen Conroy RSM, and Mary Coswin OSB. Patricia also has attended many annual Spiritual Directors International (SDI) leadership institutes focusing on supervision. Having completed training at Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) Center in Calgary and Loyola House in Guelph, Canada, Patricia also facilitates the 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. She has educated, trained, and supervised spiritual directors for many years. Patricia holds a masters degree in psychology and pastoral counseling.
Edith Ontiveros, O.S.U. (Currently not available as supervisor)
Sr. Edith is a Filipina Catholic religious who belongs to the Australian Province of the Ursulines. She holds an M.A. in Christian Spirituality and Diploma in Retreat and Spiritual Direction from Creighton University, Nebraska. Prior to her appointment at the Center for Ignatian Spirituality in the Philippines, she did an Ignatian Immersion Course in Manresa, Spain in 2013. She used to be the Director for Programs and Retreats at the Center for Ignatian Spirituality where she assumed the multiple roles of a retreat/spiritual director, supervisor, mentor as well as a resource person in the training and formation of future retreat givers in the Ignatian tradition.
Tara Owens, M.T.S.
Tara is the founder and executive director of Anam Cara Ministries, where she has been accompanying others in their journeys with God for 15 years as a trained spiritual director and supervisor. Her deep longing is to see others move toward wholeness with themselves, with God, with their communities, and with the world. Tara holds a Masters of Theological Studies in Spiritual Formation, combined with a certificate in Death, Dying & Grieving, from Tyndale Seminary, and the Advanced Certificate in Supervision from the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University. Tara is the author of two books, Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh & Bone (IVP, 2015), and At Play In God’s Creation: A Contemplative Coloring Book (Franciscan Media, 2016), and was the Senior Editor of Conversations Journal for 7 years.
Sinhyang Park, M.A., M.Div.
Sinhyang has an M.A. in Religion and Psychology and an M.Div. degree from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. She received her training in spiritual direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary and training in supervision from Together in the Mystery program. She directs the Korean Spiritual Direction Program at Eirene Center in South Korea. A practicing spiritual director since 2006 and a supervisor of spiritual directors since 2010, Sinhyang makes her home in South Korea.
James Peterson, Ph.D.
Jim received his training in spiritual direction at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), graduating in 1998. He also received supervision training there shortly after graduation, and has more recently participated in the Together in the Mystery supervision training program. As spiritual director, he has worked with individual clients, groups, and organizations, and as supervisor, with individual clients and with groups in supervision. He participates on the staff of three spiritual direction training programs in California: at SFTS, Bread of Life in Sacramento, and Mercy Center in Burlingame. Jim is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Sunnyvale, and has served on the Spirituality, Discipleship, and Theology Task Force of the Presbytery of San Jose.
Susan Phillips, Ph.D.
Susan, executive director of New College Berkeley of Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, is a sociologist, professor of Christian spirituality, and a spiritual director. She teaches at San Francisco Theological Seminary (spiritual direction), New College Berkeley (Christian spirituality and the social sciences), Fuller Theological Seminary (spiritual formation), and Regent College (practical theology). Her great love is meeting with people for spiritual direction and for supervision. Her books that address spiritual direction are Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction and The Cultivated Life: From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy.
Frank Rogers, Ph.D.
Frank is a spiritual director, supervisor, retreat leader, writer, and professor of spiritual formation at the ecumenical and inter-faith Claremont School of Theology. He has taught and written in spirituality, contemplative practice, and compassionate social engagement for over 25 years, and is the author of Practicing Compassion and Compassion in Practice: The Way of Jesus. As the Co-Director for the Center for Engaged Compassion, he offers and teaches compassion-based approaches to spiritual direction and supervision.
Deb Steinkamp, M.A. (Currently not available as supervisor)
Deb has been a spiritual director for 11 years, having received her training at the Mercy Center in Burlingame, California, and her supervision training through the Together in the Mystery program. She has actively sought supervision for many years and has been part of a peer supervision group in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. She is also an active member of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) Pacific Northwest Conference Spiritual Directors network, a group dedicated to ongoing training for directors and to providing spiritual direction for ECC pastors. Prior to becoming a spiritual director, Deb earned an M.A. in Family Therapy at Azusa Pacific University. Deb and her husband Dick have three adult children and six grandchildren.
Malisa “Missy” Stewart (Currently not available as supervisor)
Malisa (Missy) is a trained spiritual director in both The Art of Spiritual Direction and Group Spiritual Direction. She received her training from Mercy Center, Burlingame and has practiced for over 12 years. Her supervision ministry formation was with Together in the Mystery in partnership with San Francisco Theological Seminary. She facilitates group spiritual direction, soul care groups, contemplative prayer retreats as well as one-on-one direction and supervision. Missy and her husband Larry have been married for 45 years and have 4 married children and 13 grandchildren. She is a working partner in their family corporation and in her free time plays golf or spends time with her grandkids!
Mary Anona Stoops (Currently not available as supervisor)
Mary Anona is an ordained pastor in the PC (USA) and trained as spiritual director among a community of Benedictine sisters. She has served congregations in Australia, New York, Tennessee and Nebraska and currently serves as Pastor for Adult Spiritual at North Decatur Presbyterian church, as a spiritual director, and as part of the leadership team for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction program at the Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. Mary Anona loves exploring and adventure and is convinced that the greatest adventure of all is the journey into the inner landscape of the soul.
Deb Turnow, M.A. (Currently not available as supervisor)
Deb is a trained spiritual director, supervisor for spiritual directors, teacher, retreat leader, and blogger. A former therapist working with survivors of sexual abuse, she used to run a two-year spiritual direction program as well as offer various classes in spiritual formation as a staff member of a megachurch. Deb has a master’s degree in spiritual formation and leadership from Spring Arbor University in Michigan. She also went through the Spiritual Guidance program at Shalem Institute and received additional training in supervision for spiritual directors from the Together With the Mystery program held at San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo, California. Deb is the founder and executive director of Kavanna House, a spiritual formation center based in York, Pennsylvania.
Sharon Wada, M.A.
Sharon is co-director of Sustainable Faith, a non-profit dedicated to the well-being and spiritual formation of leaders. She received her spiritual direction training through the Mercy Center in Burlingame and her supervision training through Together in the Mystery. She holds a masters degree in Cross-Cultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Her areas of interest include multi-ethnic issues, leadership development and Ignatian spirituality. She has ongoing experience in the formation of new spiritual directors and particularly enjoys offering supervision. Sharon has been married to Jon for over 30 years and they love hanging out with their three sons and daughter-in-law.
Daniel Daesyop Yi, Ph.D.
Daniel received his training as a spiritual director from the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA and as a supervisor through the Together in the Mystery program. He is an affiliate faculty in Spirituality at San Francisco Theological Seminary/University of Redlands. He earned his Ph.D. in Christian Spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Aside from giving spiritual direction and supervision, he has also worked for many years as a pastor and chief of staff at a local church and in a campus ministry for young adults. Daniel is interested in living ‘in between’ so that he can be a bridge between America and Korea and be creative in both cultures.